How to Conduct a Board Self-Assessment

Self-assessment of board members is a vital leadership habit that try this article about safeguarding business a virtual data rooms security mastery high-performing boards use to ensure long-term governance. It requires the board to take a step back from its day-to-day operations and examine its effectiveness. This allows board members to address issues that could otherwise lead to frustration and conflict.

There are a myriad of ways to conduct a self-assessment of your board including interviews and surveys to discussion groups that are facilitated. The best method depends on the size of the board, the available resources and how deep you’d like to explore in the assessment.

Once you decide on the method, make sure you are clear about what you want to accomplish by the process. For instance, do you intend to improve governance, match governance to organizational goals, or increase accountability? Once you’ve decided you can then select an evaluation tool.

Some tools let you analyze your results against other hospitals or health care systems and others focus solely on the governance practices of your organization. It is essential to ensure that the tools you choose aren’t biased and don’t single out directors. This will create a safe environment for honest feedback.

A majority of boards have a peer review procedure, which requires directors to assess each one another. It can be a useful and productive exercise, but it’s vital that the process is kept private. Some directors may be reluctant to criticize a director due to fear of negative consequences. In this situation it is generally better to let the facilitator read the responses to determine what information is relevant to be shared with the board.

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